Thursday, April 9, 2020

Specials Work for the Weeks of April 6 and April 13


Required Remote Learning Documentation for Specials
Joshua Dixon Progress Update for Specials  (Highlight the blue and then click on the link that appears)
Please complete as a family and submit as documentation for grades. Please complete after April 17.
**There is also more information below for specials.**
All Specials Work for the Weeks of April 6 and 13, 2020
 This work is to be done during this time period and kept at home. At the end of this time period, you will receive a survey to complete about your elementary students' work that has been completed from March 23, 2020 to April 17, 2020. Please complete this survey as a family, if there are multiple students in your family. In order for your children to receive credit towards their grade, you will need to complete this survey. We will use survey responses to check and monitor student progress.
Week of 4/6:
ART- Pop art is an art movement that was started in the United Kingdom and the United States during the mid- to late-1950s. The movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including images from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and everyday items. Paintings were made of comics, foods and celebrities. They also used really bright colors to create these paintings. Use the idea of Pop Art to draw and color something that could be Pop Art. (examples: a video game character, a toy, food)
MUSIC- All Grade Levels: Choose a favorite song with a fast beat.  Write two, three or four sentences about why you like this song. What genre is it? (po, country, jazz, classical…) How does it make you feel? What kinds of instruments do you hear in the music? Who is the composer or musician?   
PHYSICAL EDUCATION- All grade levels can do this. Let’s learn the ‘Whip and Nae Nae”. This is the link to the Youtube video that has words and movements to learn from. If the link for some reason does not work, go to and type in “gym teacher whip and nae nae”. You will have multiple options to choose from. 
This can be done using a smartphone!
TECHNOLOGY- Too much technology can be a problem. Schools have noticed that more and more students require occupational therapy because they lack fine motor skills. Let's work on those skills. Have Legos? Create a new form of technology that makes life better. Be creative. Have Play-Doh or clay? Use that for your new invention. Just paper and crayons, that's okay too. Draw a picture of your invention. Put a puzzle together. Just use your hands and fingers to create.
Week of 4/13:
ART- A portrait is a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one focuses on only the face or head and shoulders. Have someone in your family sit down in front of you and draw a portrait of them. Look at their face, eyes, mouth and ears and try your best to draw them.
MUSIC- All Grade Levels:  Create a rhythm, 4 or 8 beats.  Use Ta (quarter note), Ti-ti (eighth note pair), sh (rest)and Ta-Ah (half note). Perform your rhythm for another person and have that person echo clap it back to you. 
PHYSICAL EDUCATION- The weather is warming up! Walking can be a great source of exercise, and doing it outside can allow you to get fresh air! Go for a walk outside (with supervision). Your walk should last about 30 minutes! You can also throw in some locomotors (skipping, galloping, side step, or hopping) to make it fun!
TECHNOLOGY- Do batteries really power the world or just technology? On your own or with your family, Go on a scavenger hunt to find things powered by batteries. What kind of batteries did you find? Did any of your toys have batteries? Did the need for batteries make your toy better? Just louder? Could your toy have been perfectly fine without batteries? What does mom and dad use that takes batteries? Is there anything in the kitchen that uses batteries? The living room? Your bedroom? Does using batteries in things improve our lives or not? Why?

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